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Cable Technology Feature Article

December 21, 2009

SRS Labs Supports C.A.L.M. Act Approved By Congress

By Calvin Azuri, TMCnet Contributor

SRS Labs is lending strong support for the Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act. In conjunction with this measure, SRS TruVolume, already being deployed in HDTVs, sound bars and set-top boxes, will effectively eliminate volume fluctuations forever. SRS develops and implements important audio technologies for the TV market.
The C.A.L.M. Act (H.R. 1084) was approved by the U.S. House of Representatives on December 16th. The Act confirms the need for a solution to volume fluctuation, which has affected TV-viewing for more than five decades. The act aims to establish universal volume level standards for U.S. broadcast and cable companies that are enforceable by the FCC (News - Alert). It is expected that these standards will result in a more consistent audio experience on a single channel or network.
Even if the bill is passed and signed by the president, it will take some time for it to be implemented. Meanwhile, SRS TruVolume is immediately available for consumers via Sound Bars and HDTVs from popular brands and within the stand-alone MyVolume Adapter. In addition, a major multiple system operator will be launching this feature within its set-top boxes across North America shortly. This will benefit subscribers and also provide a head start on compliance with the C.A.L.M. Act at the same time.
SRS recognized the need to develop an advanced audio leveling solution that would effectively protect consumers from the volume spikes that TV viewers have been facing for decades. SRS TruVolume is the first solution to accurately maintain the target volume level based on the human perception of loudness, without introducing any adverse side effects.
A comprehensive solution, SRS TruVolume effectively eliminates the volume fluctuations that occur during any possible viewing scenario, according to company officials. The scenarios include channel-surfing, commercial breaks, Internet streaming, digital downloads, CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray content. According to Alan Kraemer, chief technology officer for SRS Labs (News - Alert), inconsistent TV program and commercial volume levels has been prevalent for quite a long time. SRS applauds the efforts of the U.S. Congress to address the issue at the broadcast-end. The TruVolume solution from SRS will further complement the effort by taking care of the problem at the point of delivery to the consumer.

Calvin Azuri is a contributing editor for TMCnet. To read more of Calvin’s articles, please visit his columnist page.

Edited by Erin Harrison